Fire Prevention and Education

CPR/FIrst Aid Classes and Continuing Education

Our instructors offer CPR classes for both the average citizen as well as the medical professional.  If you are a baby sitter, church group or day care, personnel can teach you the basic lifesaving skills to keep someone alive until trained responders arrive.  By taking the American Heart Association (AHA) Heartsaver CPR class students come away knowing how to perform CPR on Adults, Children and Infants. Other topics covered include, choking, rescue breathing and recognizing and treating opioid overdoses.  Students can also learn basic first aid skills taught by our personnel.  Students learn how to care for and treat people affected by various medical and traumatic incidents such as, drowning, severe bleeding, shock, environmental injuries, bites, stings and allergic reactions.  Each certification takes approximately 4 hours to complete.  After the course members are issued a certifications card by the AHA as well as a life time of knowledge and life skills.  Class sizes can vary and fees are minimal.      


To set up an appointment or for further information call the department at (231) 527-0024