231-592-4654 kbazan@cmhcm.org 405 East 3rd Street, Big Rapids, MI49307 www.mi-clubhouse.org/

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  • Articulate positions on issues that affect the interest of adults with mental illness.
  • Educate and advise others throughout the state by clarifying the role of Clubhouses in the array of services offered through the mental health system.
  • Support the development of new Clubhouse International Standards-based Clubhouses.
  • Collaborate with NAMI, PRA, Clubhouse International, MDHHS, educational entities and other mental health organizations in the gathering, dissemination, and utilization of outcome data as a measurement of accountability and effectiveness in best practices for Clubhouse model fidelity.
  • Facilitate the networking of Clubhouses to function as a statewide coalition.
  • Work with MDHHS to secure funding for the continuation and growth of Clubhouse services in keeping with the Clubhouse International Standards.
  • Educate MDHHS funders, other public and private organizations and managed care providers in Clubhouse philosophy and the importance of Clubhouse International training and accreditation to promote best practices.
  • Collaborate statewide to advocate for relevant governmental  policy change.